12.21.2012 – End of the world

December 21, 2012, Mayan Calendar predicted that day as the “end of the world”. Some got scared and started giving out their parting words. Some were intrigued, they didn’t believe the prediction but a part of them asked “What if…?”.

I, on the other hand, was somehow confused. I researched the story of both scientific theory and Mayan prediction, then asked myself “Would I believe the prediction or the factual information given by NASA?” Then in the middle of my confusion, questions popped on my head. I began asking “Would God create a world, give up His only Son, and then destroy it?”, “Isn’t it that we are supposed to have faith in our Savior?”.

Then 12.21 day came and I waited with faith and a little fear. Nothing happened. I was at the office having mixed emotions about everything. Days after, I realized that it wasn’t the end of the world but it was the end of something that was not supposed to be continued.

For me, it was the beginning of having goals and pushing myself to reach them. I found myself ending things that had hurt me all my life. Somehow it has a message to me (I guess for everyone too).

 December 21, 2012, made the whole world realize how important things are when it’s threatened to be taken away all of a sudden.